
2022 – the year I made it into public speaking

Yes, this post might feel a bit like bragging, but I need to write it anyhow…

For years, I tried to get accepted as a speaker at a „real“ conference. Finally, I got a talk accepted at quite some conferences in 2020. While I was very happy and proud about that, it still felt a bit like being betrayed, since everything was happening online. While some conferences managed to create great online events (and others failed badly), it was not quite the same as speaking at an in-person-event.

In 2021, I was not that lucky in terms of being accepted, my new talk made it to one online event and a local meetup (which also happened online).

I tried again with that very same talk for 2022, and the topic sparked way more interest than the year before, and made it to a couple of in-person-events, as well as some other activities of mine. 

Below is the complete list:

  • June, expo:QA (Madrid/ES): Don’t be a fool with a tool (talk)
  • September, Testbash UK (Manchester/UK): Don’t be a fool with a tool (talk)
  • September, Testbash UK (Manchester/UK): Recognising and Eliminating Code Smells 101 (workshop)
  • September, Testbash UK (Manchester/UK): Eliminating Code Smells (activity)
  • September, Testbash UK (Manchester/UK): Ask Me Anything: Testautomation
  • September, TestJam (Utrecht/NL): Don’t be a fool with a tool (talk)
  • October, ASQF Test Automation Challenge (Online/DE): Don’t be a fool with a tool (talk)
  • October, AutomationSTAR (Munich/DE): Sei kein Fool mit nem Tool (talk)
  • Novemer, Agile Testing Days (Potsdam/DE): Don’t be a fool with a tool (talk)
  • November,Agile Testing Days (Potsdam/DE): Automating the web with Playwright (talk)

That’s 10 sessions at 6 events in 5 countries, which is way more than I have ever expected, and I have to admit, that I’m quite proud about that achievement.

I think the message here is: Even if you get rejected at conferences, don’t give up. Improve your proposal writing skills, there’s plenty of good resources out there, study them. And also the testing community is of great help when it comes to providing support, and I want to thank everybody who has supported me during the last years!

If you also want to make it into public speaking, feel free to reach out.

Cheers, and all the best for 2023!

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