Learning Testing

Changing Your Testing Mindset (agileTD 2013)

At the Agile Testing Days 2013 I attended Janet Gregory´s tutorial on „Changing Your Testing Mindset“. Also I already knew quite some of the things she talked about, it was a good tutorial and I had some great conversations with Janet as well as with the other participants. I can highly recommend to visit this tutorial if your want to learn some essential things about testing in an agile context.

Here are some of the most important things I took away from the tutorial:


Lessons Learned since Agile Testing Was Published (#agileTD 2011)

In this talk Lisa Crispin (@lisacrispin) and Janet Gregory (@janetgregoryca) presented some major issues they learned about since they published their book Agile Testing some years ago.
These topics are:

  • Feature Acceptance
  • Test Automation
  • Large Organisations with Multiple Teams
  • Distributed Teams
  • Culture
  • Continous Learning