Allgemein Learning

The Starfish Retrospective

In most retrospectives, we´re using the plain „What went good? What went wrong?“ – technique via a roundtable, noting down the outcome of this, then start discussing possible solutions for the „wrong“ things, coming up with action items to solve them, decide to take the actions, and ask participants for their ROTI (Return of Time Invested).


Testing your Organization (#agileTD 2011)

Andreas Schliep (@andreasschliep) talked about how to test your organization, he started by telling about his experience about playing the ballpoint exercise, which is a kind of scrum-simulation, where the team has to do an exercise, then do a retrospective, and starts to iterate (and hopefully improve).

Allgemein WWW

QuickLinks for January 2011

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:

Allgemein WWW

QuickLinks for December 2010

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month: