The initial statement of Anko Tijman (@agiletesternl) in his talks was, that agile testing is about migitating the risk, therefor a test strategy should focus on risks in
- code
- interfaces
- requirements
- architecture
- business acceptance
The initial statement of Anko Tijman (@agiletesternl) in his talks was, that agile testing is about migitating the risk, therefor a test strategy should focus on risks in
Short notice: I will participate at the German Agile Testing and Exploratory (GATE) Workshop 2011 on October 1st & 2nd in Hamburg, Germany. My topics will be „Shared responsibility for quality vs. separate QA teams“.
Other guys participating so far: Markus Gärtner, Maik Nogens, Meike Mertsch, Eusebiu Blindu & Sven Finsterwalder.
More info available on the GATE homepage:
I´m looking forward to have a productive weekend full of learning and insights with these guys!
Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:
Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:
Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month: