
Who do You Trust? Beware of Your Brain (agileTD 2011)

As already last year, Lind Rising’s talk was really amazing and just awesome! I already know that writing a blog post about it can only be a bad copy, but I will give it a try.

Learning Testing

Agile Testing and Test Management (#agileTD 2011)

This was the opening keynote of the conference, done by Johanna Rothman (@johannarothman). Johanna was so nice to publish her slides on slideshare, find them embedded at te end of this article.


Group testing

The idea -as well as a draft- for this blog posting are around for quite a while now, what finally forced me to finish and publish it, was a talk with Lasse Koskela (@lassekoskela) at the Agile Testing Days 2011, where I told him about the approach of „group testing“ sessions within our team, and he insisted that I had to write about it. So thanks Lasse, for forcing me to finish and finally posting this article.

Learning Testing

What Testers and Developers Can Learn From Each Other (#agileTD 2011)

This talk of David Evans (@DavidEvans66) was one of my favorites at the Agile Testing Days 2011.
I will only list some things not to find on the slides in this article, and then provide a link to the slides at the end of the article, as they are really self-explaining (imho).


Product Management using Effect Mapping (#agileTD 2011)

This talk was held by Gojko Adzic (@gojkoadzic) as a replacement for Markus Gärtner (@mgaertne), who unfortunately has been sick.
I found it was a quite challenging topic, therefor I didn’t take much notes, and my article might be quite fraqmentary. If you feel so, please scroll down to the very end, there I will link to some stuff on Gojko’s homepage, which gives more & additional insight on the topic.

Learning Testing

Do agile teams have wider awareness fields? (#agileTD 2011)

In this talk, Rob Lambert (@Rob_Lambert) presented different ways to increase your awareness and tries to give an answer to the headlining question.


Testing your Organization (#agileTD 2011)

Andreas Schliep (@andreasschliep) talked about how to test your organization, he started by telling about his experience about playing the ballpoint exercise, which is a kind of scrum-simulation, where the team has to do an exercise, then do a retrospective, and starts to iterate (and hopefully improve).

Learning Testing

Five key challenges for agile testers tomorrow (#agileTD 2011)

Gojko Adzic (@gojkoadzic)talked about the five key challenges he sees for agile testers tomorrow. He has two basic statementes/ assumption which guide him to these challenges: Technology is changing fast and the field of agile testing is quite well defined today.
According to Gojko, these challenges are

  1. shorter delivery phases
  2. agile is now mainstream
  3. faster feedback
  4. large „enterprise“ projects
  5. validating business, not software
Learning Testing

A Balanced Test Strategy Strengthens the Team (#agiletd 2011)

The initial statement of Anko Tijman (@agiletesternl) in his talks was, that agile testing is about migitating the risk, therefor a test strategy should focus on risks in

  • code
  • interfaces
  • requirements
  • architecture
  • business acceptance

Lessons Learned since Agile Testing Was Published (#agileTD 2011)

In this talk Lisa Crispin (@lisacrispin) and Janet Gregory (@janetgregoryca) presented some major issues they learned about since they published their book Agile Testing some years ago.
These topics are:

  • Feature Acceptance
  • Test Automation
  • Large Organisations with Multiple Teams
  • Distributed Teams
  • Culture
  • Continous Learning