The first keynote given on this year´s Agile Testing Days was „Agile Testing is nonsense, because Agile is Testing“ by Andrea Tomasini the founder of agile42, here is my sumup:
At the Agile Testing Days 2013 I attended Janet Gregory´s tutorial on „Changing Your Testing Mindset“. Also I already knew quite some of the things she talked about, it was a good tutorial and I had some great conversations with Janet as well as with the other participants. I can highly recommend to visit this tutorial if your want to learn some essential things about testing in an agile context.
Here are some of the most important things I took away from the tutorial:
Testers in Germany & GATE 02
Already a while ago, Maik Nogens created a Google Map for testers in Germany, please feel free to add yourself:
Furthermore, the GATE 02 Workshop (German Agile Testing and Exploratory Workshop) has been announced a while ago: It will be held in Munich, on September 8th. Unfortunately, this year I will not be able to make it there, but the list of participants looks already quite international, and last year the workshop was really great.
What test managers do…

Via @jokegijsbrechts
Tweets of the month – march 2012
Tweets of the month – february 2012
A while ago I started looking for agile testing games, unfortunately I didn´t find much, but since a couple of people asked me for that, I´m gonna now publish what I have.
Hopefully, this (small) list grows a bit over time, so please let me know, if you know about other (Agile) Testing Games!
How to fix the build – not!
Via @dvdstelt
In most retrospectives, we´re using the plain „What went good? What went wrong?“ – technique via a roundtable, noting down the outcome of this, then start discussing possible solutions for the „wrong“ things, coming up with action items to solve them, decide to take the actions, and ask participants for their ROTI (Return of Time Invested).
Return to Sender – Software Test Version
Return to Sender – Software Test Version
I had to submit a new defect,
looked like a major bug.
But as development received it,
they reassigned right back.
They wrote upon it:
Return to sender, runs with our mock,
must be environment, ain’t no bug.
They send their package, once it compiled,
and all no matter how many bug reports I filed.
Then i attached a bunch of log files,
and screen shots, two or three.
But just a minute at the coders‘
and it came back to me.
They wrote upon it:
Return to sender, can’t reproduce,
No such requirement, your test is screwed.
Next package we get for deployment,
I’m going to inspect,
And with a bit of schadenfreude,
I’m going to send it back.
I’ll write upon it:
Return to sender, does not install
when strictly clinging, to your manual.
Return to sender
Return to sender
Return to sender