
If testing is quality assurance…

if_testing_is_quality_insuranceIf testing is „quality assurance“, why not naming the weather forecast „weather assurance“, naming school „learning assurance“, calling a doctor „health assurance and playing the lottery „investment assurance“?


Via Ash Winter on G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115379350397321018516/posts/LruMrEAYv4c


Learning Testing

Flying Under The Radar – how conventional testing was secretly transformed into sapient testing (agileTD 2013)

Following my wrap-up of the talk of Sami Söderblom given at the Agile Testing Days 2013.


Agile Testing is nonsense, because Agile is Testing (agileTD 2013)

The first keynote given on this year´s Agile Testing Days was „Agile Testing is nonsense, because Agile is Testing“ by Andrea Tomasini the founder of  agile42, here is my sumup:

Learning Testing

Changing Your Testing Mindset (agileTD 2013)

At the Agile Testing Days 2013 I attended Janet Gregory´s tutorial on „Changing Your Testing Mindset“. Also I already knew quite some of the things she talked about, it was a good tutorial and I had some great conversations with Janet as well as with the other participants. I can highly recommend to visit this tutorial if your want to learn some essential things about testing in an agile context.

Here are some of the most important things I took away from the tutorial:


Testers in Germany & GATE 02

Already a while ago, Maik Nogens created a Google Map for testers in Germany, please feel free to add yourself:

Furthermore, the GATE 02 Workshop (German Agile Testing and Exploratory Workshop) has been announced a while ago: It will be held in Munich, on September 8th. Unfortunately, this year I will not be able to make it there, but the list of participants looks already quite international, and last year the workshop was really great.

Learning Testing

Agile Testing Games

A while ago I started looking for agile testing games, unfortunately I didn´t find much, but since a couple of people asked me for that, I´m gonna now publish what I have.
Hopefully, this (small) list grows a bit over time, so please let me know, if you know about other (Agile) Testing Games!

Learning Testing

Agile Testing and Test Management (#agileTD 2011)

This was the opening keynote of the conference, done by Johanna Rothman (@johannarothman). Johanna was so nice to publish her slides on slideshare, find them embedded at te end of this article.

Learning Testing

What Testers and Developers Can Learn From Each Other (#agileTD 2011)

This talk of David Evans (@DavidEvans66) was one of my favorites at the Agile Testing Days 2011.
I will only list some things not to find on the slides in this article, and then provide a link to the slides at the end of the article, as they are really self-explaining (imho).

Learning Testing

Do agile teams have wider awareness fields? (#agileTD 2011)

In this talk, Rob Lambert (@Rob_Lambert) presented different ways to increase your awareness and tries to give an answer to the headlining question.

Learning Testing

Five key challenges for agile testers tomorrow (#agileTD 2011)

Gojko Adzic (@gojkoadzic)talked about the five key challenges he sees for agile testers tomorrow. He has two basic statementes/ assumption which guide him to these challenges: Technology is changing fast and the field of agile testing is quite well defined today.
According to Gojko, these challenges are

  1. shorter delivery phases
  2. agile is now mainstream
  3. faster feedback
  4. large „enterprise“ projects
  5. validating business, not software