
QuickLinks for March 2011

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:


QuickLinks for February 2011

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:


(Test) Conferences in 2011

What conferences for agilists and testers are there (in (central) Europe) in 2011? I´ve stumbled upon this ones so far:

Allgemein WWW

QuickLinks for January 2011

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:

Allgemein WWW

Stuff from my wall…

Today is my last working day at my current employer, and I´m removing my personal stuff from my office atm.
Some of the pictures/ things I´ve printed out and put on the wall, I feel are worth beeing kept, so here´s some stuff I look at quite often…

What are your printouts, you´ve put on the wall, to see it daily and being reminded or show others your attitude?

Allgemein WWW

QuickLinks for December 2010

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:

Allgemein WWW

Testing is like Heavy Metal

#testing is like heavy metal. Doom, death’n destruction, speed’n torture’n beautiful ladies dancing half naked around.no!last is imagination

Source: @teemuvesala

Allgemein WWW

QuickLinks for November 2010

Here a quick list of articles I´ve read during the last month:


Ahas on „Regression Testing with an Agile Mindset“

I´ve read a pretty interesting article about Regression Testing with an Agile Mindset, found via the GoogleReader commendations of Ralph Miarka who is an agile coach at our company.

Here are my „Ahas“ on that article:

  • Realize the difference between functional tests and regression tests to avoid common pitfalls
  • At the end of each sprint product owner should not only accept new features, but the overall functionality of the software
  • Zero bug tolerance pay off on the long term, so it is better to reduce the scope (regarding new features) then accept (regression-) bugs
  • Regression tests need to be maintained/ adapted over time
  • Regression tests provide safety net, so team can focus on new functionalities during the sprint
  • Fast feedback is needed, therefor regression tests should be automated
  • Regression test suite != sum(Functional test suites)
    • product owner defines the functionality to be tested within the regression tests
    • updating a regression test is part of the user story (so it needs to be considered when estimating)

Responsibility for your learning (?)

Since I’ve heared Maruks Gärtner’s talk about self education at #agileTD I’m thinking about two things mostly: